A future driven by the leaders in New Zealand construction.

New Zealand construction has been formed off the back of ingenuity, persistence and innovation.


As leaders, we are committed to driving change in the New Zealand construction industry, pulling together to inspire innovation, collaborate, and establish a safer, robust and sustainable future for all.


Change is Possible.

Our leadership team bring years of experience to bear on the greatest challenges our industry has seen in decades. We’re results-driven, with a proven record of previous successes. We support the prosperity and sustainability of New Zealand’s construction industry through industry wide collaboration and advocating for the outcomes our clients, our businesses, and all New Zealanders need.


Driving the Industry Forward

Our “What Good Looks Like” initiative provide tools to help participants grow skills and capability to ensure future success and sustainability. The end goal is to provide external buyers and stakeholders with a way to identify a good construction company.


Supporting our Mates

The Vertical Leaders Construction Group are proud to support the great work of Mates in Construction.

The MATES programme builds and strengthens communities in the workplace and across the industry – helping our people to be supportive and provide an environment that encourages positive wellbeing.

The impact of this community-based approach then goes beyond the workplace and into our every-day lives.

MATES engage with workers through on-site training and providing those identified as at risk with case management support that connects them to suitable professional support.


“Leadership is an action, not a position.”

— Donald McGannon.

Contact our Team.

If you are interested in joining the VCLG or in finding out more, please contact us at advocacy@masterbuilder.org.nz